Our brand is evolving. Switching our capital "A" for a lowercase "a" symbolizes something bigger, a new brand stance to be the airline you need today. We are beginning a new chapter, moving at your pace, no longer looking down from above but meeting you face to face in a friendly, approachable way.
Today, we open our wings to everyone who dreams of flying because the sky belongs to all of us. This is the new avianca for everyone.
We are constantly upgrading to improve our systems and simplify our tools so that everything runs at your speed.
Hello to those who welcome change.
We are a team of more than 12 thousand people, working to offer you everything, training ourselves to give you a warmer, friendlier and more inclusive service.
Hello to everyone. Right! Everyoooone.
We are committed to connecting with your needs, creating new routes, and seeking to give you the best price options. In the new avianca, you choose how you want to fly.
Hello to those who love the window seat, the aisle, or even the middle seat.
We overcome obstacles so that you reach your destination.
To become the preferred airline in our region, consistently delivering on our value promise, sharing an excellent working environment, and obtaining the best results in the industry.
Safety, Reliability, Simplicity, Friendliness, and Accountability.
Allow us to tell you some of the reasons that make us one of the favorite airlines in the region